About Us... 

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My mission...  

...is to enlighten you with the love and support of your Angels and how bringing them into your everyday life can make a profound impact on any situation.

When you connect with the Angels you have friends in high places!

I wasn’t aware of the Angels until I was...

My first encounter with Angels was in the last year at Primary School. 

Our religious teacher who was a nun was talking about Angels and told us that we all had a Guardian Angel. 

This Guardian Angel had been with us from birth and was by our side constantly. 

They were here to guide and watch over us.

I remember being fascinated about this and at the end of school I made my way home thinking about what we had learnt that day. 

I eventually came to my road and started to cross it in front of our house.  I vividly remember saying to myself ‘I wonder if Guardian Angels do exist’?  Just a line of enquiry, I wasn’t planning to put myself in any difficult situation.

I had just got to the middle of the road, when this car came speeding down our small road.  I got a fright but felt calm at the same time.

I could see the car was at high speed but something was stopping it from getting to me and it wasn’t far from me at the same time.

I got to the other side of the road and as the car passed it had disappeared. I know that because our road joined a busy High Road and he would have to stop no matter what.

I just knew that was my Guardian Angel showing me he did exist and was around.  I was excited to have experienced it.

How working with the Angels can help you...

There are many ways in which the Angels can help us but only if we ask!

  • There is no limitation and I encourage you to talk to your Angels every day even if it’s just to ensure that the day will go well.  Here are some of the things that you can talk to them about.
  • How to defuse difficult situations.
  • Give you the right words and courage for that difficult conversation. 
  • Provide healing and you can request this for others too. 
  • Open doors of opportunity for you.
  • Protection and guidance for yourself and or loved ones.
  • Comfort you when you are sad or lost in the moment.
  • Help you find the finance to pay the bills, mortgage etc.
  • Send you signs to let you know they are there and hear you such as feathers, coins, numbers, words to a familiar song.

Shirley & Your Angels x

Getting in touch with the Angels...

Book a FREE 'work with me' call to find out more about... 

  • Why it’s a good idea to get in touch with your Angels - Your Guardian Angel is your best friend and companion and right from the time you were born has forever been by your side. What makes this relationship even more special is that your Angel chose you.
  • How they can help - Your Angels are always at service and will never say no or pass judgement upon you in any way. They are amazing beings that can make things happen; opening doors of opportunity, steering you in the right direction, comforting you when you’re sad, helping you make decisions, protection and healing.
  • Angelic Energy Healing allows you to relax your mind, body and spirit making this the perfect opportunity for you to receive Angelic healing. Acting as a conduit between You and the Angelic Realm the Angels will set about clearing you of any negative energies as well as repair and rebalance your full body system
  • Angelic Life Coaching can help you immensely. With a grounded yet sensitive approach it offers the best support from the Angels who are here to help us with everyday life challenges. It can offer you direction, clarity, healing and so much more bringing you finally to where you want to be in your life. It is a two way partnership and you need to be honest and ready if you want make that transformation.

What My Clients Are Saying...

Dramatic Change

"If you are a non-believer, Shirley will definitely convince you otherwise. Not only does she have a unique gift for brining you calmness, her life wisdom ensures that you are putting yourself first. The results are life changing."

Kelly Newton



You can trust Shirley

"Shirley has a purpose in life to help others! Shirley is one of those rare people in the world whom you can be yourself! No pretensions, no lies, you can trust Shirley. A very dedicated, diligent individual with an abundance of love and positivity!!

I wholeheartedly endorse Shirley!!"

Zahir Chaudhary



I now feel healed

"Shirley has made me much more self-aware and she has enabled me to manage life's everyday challenges effectively. Each session left me feeling uplifted and more emotionally resilient. I now express my views with confidence and I am a lot kinder to myself. Shirley is much more that a counsellor- she is a healer and, as a result of her support, I now feel healed."




When you heal, I heal.

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