Work With Me 

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Your Angels sent me... 

It's time to open the door to your spiritual connection, to stop trying to figure it all out on your own.

I'm Shirley the Angel Lady I work as a bridge between the Angelic realms and physical world, helping you to Talk and Heal with the Angels to work through life's most pressing matters. I provide you with the tools to help cope with life's challenges with ease.

How Angelic energy can help you? 


Helps you heal your body and let go of stored negative energy


Helps you clear the mental clutter holding you back in life 


Helps you connect to source energy and illuminate your life

We believe that investing in YOU is the best gift you can give to yourself towards selfcare and one that you should never feel guilty about. Your health is an investment not an expense. Our investment is to aid our clients in receiving the best possible outcome with a little help from Angelic friends.

'Archangel Raphael, Angel of emotional and physical healing.'

  • I am not for you if ….
  • you don’t believe in Angels
  • you are not prepared to do the work or if you want your Angels to do it all for you.
  • you are not open to listening and following guidance
  • if you are not ready to invest in you

I am for you if ….

  • you believe in Angels
  • you want to deepen your relationship with the Angels
  • ready to invest in you
  • You are overwhelmed, unsure of where to look for answers  
  • You are confused by life and some days it feels too much
  • You are unsure of how to navigate an area of your life, feeling stuck and frustrated
  •  You have dreams and goals yet to be realised 
  • You need help and support in your life that lifts you up

The Angels Can Help...

My Angelic journey has led me to the path of Angelic Life Coaching and Angelic Energy Healing as my life's calling. Angelic Life Coaching is a sensitive and wonderful tool with a down-to-earth approach, assisting you in finding the result you are seeking in your life.

Angelic Energy Healing consists primarily of Angelic Reiki and Chakra Re-Balancing. The Angels guide my sessions specifically to you.  Angelic Coaching and Angelic Energy Healing pair beautifully together and provide you with the tools you need to move forward with comfort and help to remove negative energy patterns around you and in your life.

To get the most out of your experience you have to be totally honest with yourself. Ask first, "Are YOU ready to heal your life?" With me as your Angelic Life Coach and with the power of the Angels I promise we will be the best support team to guide you, allowing you to create the life you dreamed off! 

You have the power within you....  

Shirley & Your Angels x

Here are some ways we could work together...

Check out my online courses 

1:1 Angelic Life Coaching with Shirley 

Healing Sessions with the Angels 

Kind words from my Clients... 

Dramatic Change

"If you are a non-believer, Shirley will definitely convince you otherwise. Not only does she have a unique gift for brining you calmness, her life wisdom ensures that you are putting yourself first. The results are life changing."

Kelly Newton



You can trust Shirley

"Shirley has a purpose in life to help others! Shirley is one of those rare people in the world whom you can be yourself! No pretensions, no lies, you can trust Shirley. A very dedicated, diligent individual with an abundance of love and positivity!!

I wholeheartedly endorse Shirley!!"

Zahir Chaudhary



I now feel healed

"Shirley has made me much more self-aware and she has enabled me to manage life's everyday challenges effectively. Each session left me feeling uplifted and more emotionally resilient. I now express my views with confidence and I am a lot kinder to myself. Shirley is much more that a counsellor- she is a healer and, as a result of her support, I now feel healed."




When you heal, I heal.

Let's make an Angelic connection...

...Follow me
